Upcoming Events


14th - School of Science Carnival (volunteers needed to run the Physics Club booth!)

15th - Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Inflation Presentation at 11:45AM in the Library Auditorium

17th - 18th - Camping/Canoeing Trip(RSVP by April 11th!) Cost: $5 deposit(also due April 11th) which will be refunded


As a tradition the Physics Club will be hosting the Physics Picnic on Wednesday, April 28th. Here is the rundown:


What to bring will be divided by current class status:

We will be serving hot dogs, hamburgers and playing Softball, Volleyball, and Frisbee.

Let us know if you need a ride as well... So come out enjoy a day before finals start to kick in for food, fun, and friends!

March 2010

24th - Faculty Dinner

17th - PIE DAY - There will probably be a social on PIE DAY, keep your ears open for more updates!

More to come! Keep checking back!