They Wouldn't Vote Us Homecoming Queen
by Matt Egan

The U.S.A. is the most powerful and richest country in the world. It produces some of the most popular music and movies, as well as many of the world's most successful companies. It also gives more foreign aid than any other country in the world. So, you'd think the United States would easily win a global popularity contest, right? After studying abroad, Matt Egan was surprised to find the answer is no.

Angry In Aruba

by Jacqueline Tutela
Last May, news services buzzed about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba. Six months later, it's hard not to be angry at the Aruban authorities for the way they handled the case. Jacqueline Tutela has traveled to Aruba the past three summers. She thinks the Aruban government is partly at fault; from the repeated detaining and releasing of suspects, to the blatant lack of care for evidence.

Attention All Sluts

by Adam Jodon
College life is known for promiscuity. It's a time for finding yourself and experiencing new and exciting things. But Adam Jodon thinks some college students are taking that idea too far; from rampant drinking to unprotected sex, Jodon thinks many college students should take a step back and think before acting.

Racism Still Lingers
by Melissa Hernandez

It was a night like any other night on campus. As a group of students huddled in a car and made their way to a bowling alley to share a night of socializing, they were followed off campus and into the bowling alley parking lot by a white, campus police officer who watched them intently as they entered the alley, making sure they did not do anything out of the ordinary. This could have been a routine procedure for the officer, who might have suspected the students were starting trouble or committing a crime. The only problem is that according to these particular individuals, they were not posing a threat in any way. They just happened to be a group of minority students.