Signs That Someone's Suffering

Signs That Someone Is Suffering

 If you think someone may be suffering from an eating disorder, there are some signs that you can look for. This section includes some of these signs that you can look for and characteristics of someone with an eating disorder.

 Keep this in mind: Just because someone doesn't have these signs does necessarily mean that they aren't suffering form an eating disorder, and just because someone does have these signs doesn't mean that they are suffering. Although someone having some of these signs or characteristics does not necessarily mean there is a problem, having a lot of them is cause for concern.

 There are also general things to look out for. Many people who have eating issues talk a lot about food and weight topics. They may also weigh themselves several times a day.

Signs and Characteristics of Anorexia

-avoidance of food and eating
-intense fear of becoming fat
-obsession with the scale (i.e. weighing self several times a day)
-makes excuses to avoid eating, such as "I already ate," "I don't feel well," or "I'm allergic (or lactose intolerant) so I can't eat that."
-suddenly becoming vegan or vegetarian to avoid eating certain foods
-lose of weight in a short amount of time
-over concern with body size
-is, by definition, underweight
-perfectionist personality
-obsessive qualities


Signs and Characteristics of Bulimia

-red, puffy face and/or watery eyes (from vomiting)
-marks, such as teeth marks or redness, on knuckles from when fingers are used to induce vomiting
-fear of becoming fat
-going to the bathroom after meals, or wanting to be alone after meals (know that vomiting doesn't have to occur right after the last piece of food is eaten--bulimics usually vomit within one hour after they have eaten.)
-obsession with the scale (i.e. weighing self several times a day)
-frequent dieting
-eating large quantities of food in a short period of time (maybe food is missing from the house)
-over concern with body size
-is usually of average weight, although can be overweight or even underweight
-impulsive qualities


Signs and Characteristics of Binge-Eating Disorder

-eating large quantities of food in a short period of time (maybe food is missing from the house)
-is usually overweight, but can be of average weight
-continuous eating
-impulsive qualities