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    QR Course Application Form



    Course Number                                                           Course Title                                                            

    Primary Contact Person                                                                                                                             

    Phone                                                                          Email                                                                      


    Intended Course Audience:






    Course Description (as it appears or will appear in The Bulletin):








                The following page contains the quantitative reasoning goal matrix.  For each course activity described in the syllabus, please indicate, as well as you can, the extent to which the QR goal(s) will be addressed. There are five stated goals in the description of liberal learning.  These are:


    QR1:   Students will understand how real-world problems and social issues can be analyzed using the power and rigor of mathematical and statistical models.

    QR2:   Students will be able to evaluate representation and inferences that are based on quantitative information.

    QR3:   Students will be able to interpret mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, and tables, and draw inferences from them.

    QR4:   Students will be able to estimate and check answers to mathematical problems in order to determine reasonableness, identify alternatives, and select optimal results.

    QR5:   Students will be able to use arithmetical, algebraic, geometric, and statistical methods to solve problems, but learn to recognize the limitations of mathematics and statistics as well.


                In addition to these goals, there is room in the matrix for alternative goals, labeled AQR, that do not fit well into the categories listed above.  If you include alternative goals, please describe them here in the format used above beginning with AQR6.







                Due to the limited space in the matrix, it may not be adequate when attempting to describe an activity.  Use the comment section after the matrix to elaborate on each activity when necessary.  Please remember that the matrix will be reviewed by people outside of your field. 


    In the remaining columns please put an L, M or I which stand for Light, Moderate and Intense respectively.  These terms are defined as follows:


    Light               This goal is addressed tangentially in the given activity.

    Moderate        This goal is central to the activity.

    Intense            This goal is the primary focus of the activity


    For each course activity described in the syllabus, please indicate, as well as you can, the extent to which the goal (or goals) will be addressed: Light, Moderate, or Intense.  Please include a reference to where this activity is indicated in the syllabus (e.g. “Syllabus section I.A.1.” or “3rd meeting, 2nd activity”). Add additional rows as needed.


    Course Activity

    Syllabus ID
























































































    Assessment Plan

    ·         A plan for ongoing course evaluation and assessment, referring to the checklist, that addresses methods and cycle for gathering assessment data and how assessment results will be used to improve the course.