Lab Exercises:  17, 17.1 18, 18.5,18.7, VA Ex. 27 and 21. Make sure you study the subject matter
and concepts in these exercises thoroughly.

WEBSITE:  Chapter 6 thru 12.  Also "General Relativity and Black Holes"

Do all the related reading  in the text and course manual such as Ex.  20, sec. I & II on the
Doppler Effect, Doppler Shifts, and how radial velocities are calculated.

Measuring apparent magnitudes as in Ex. 18.0
Absolute magnitude
Distance modulus
Luminosity classes and their loci in and H-R Diagram (Thorougly study Ex. 18.7)
Spectroscopic parallax method.
Stellar Evolution rates. Interplay of gravity and gas pressure.
Gravitational potential energy versus thermal energy and temperature.
Evolutionary tracks in H-R Diagram.
Mass-Luminosity Law.
Photosphere, ZAMS, Kumar Limit.  Brown Dwarfs.
Stellar Evolution from Nebular Stage to Final Stages
Study and memorize the stages of evolution along the evolutionary track for a one solar mass star.
Characteristics of each stage of evolution:  what is going on inside of star.
Final Stages of stellar evolution.  Properties of white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes.
The critical or Schwarzschild radius, or event horizon. .  Supernovae events.
How stars are changing the chemical composition of the galaxy.
The determination of the age of a star cluster.
Structural parts of a galaxy,
Doppler Principle and measuring radial velocity, blue and red Doppler shifts.
Herschel and the Island Universe Theory.
Shapley and the determination of the distances of globular clusters.
The Period Luminosity Law.  RR Lyrae stars and Cephied variables
Structural parts of a typical spiral galaxy, Stellar Populations,
The physical characteristics of gloubular and open clusters.
The interstellar medium
The Magellanic Clouds, Local Group
Galactic mergers
The different kinds of galaxies.
Hubble's Law and what it means
The Big Bang Theory

Who of the following did what and when?

Chandrasekhar, Einstein, Schwarzschild, Kerr, Galileo, Herschel, Kapteyn (see text), Leavitt, Shapley,
Hubble, Baade, Gamow, Lemaitre.

Know new definitions for:
Distance modulus
Main Sequence and ZAMS
Chandrasekhar Limit
Black Hole, Schwarzschild or critical radius, Kumar Limit
The Island Universe,  radial velocity.
Doppler Principle, Doppler shift, blueshift, redshift.
Local Group, Magellanic clouds

Some possible questions for the test and to ponder while studying:

1.    If the measured parallax of a star is 0.12 arcsecs., what is the distance of the star in pc?
2.    What must be measured to determine the absolute magnitude of a star?
3.    What is the maximum distance a star can have and yet its parallax can be measured?
4.    What is a parsec?
5.   What is distance modulus?
6.    The net reading for the brightness of a star in the V bandpass is 55.2 and the amplifier setting
        is 250 x10-8 .  What is the V magnitude of this star, if the calibration constant is -4.56?

19.  A star has an apparent magnitude of 3.45 and an absolute magnitude  4.00.
      What is the distance modulus for this star?
20.  Is this star closer or farther than 10 parsecs?
21.  What is the nominal absolute magnitude of  a  main sequence star with
       a temperature of 10,000K (Sp. Class A0)?  (Read answer  from the H-R Diagram in the web notes)
22.  What is the Mass-Luminosity Law and for which stars is it valid?
23.  What type of star would have a temperature of 4000K and an absolute magnitude of -1.0?
24.  From the textbook readings:  What is the "exclusion principle?"

26.  From the textbook readings:  What type of supernova is the kind we discussed in class, where the
        core of a very massive star collapses and causes the star to expode?
27. What are the 3 possible final states of stellar evolution and the mass criterion for each?
28.   What type of star clusters are found only in the halo of a galaxy?

31.   How do stars alter the chemical composition of the galaxy?

33. How does a protostar generate energy and what is the source of this energy?
34. What is a T Tauri star?
35.  What causes a supernova event?
36.  What stage of stellar evolution follows the main sequence state?
37.  What is the source of energy for the radiation emitted by a protostar?
38.  What stage of evolution immediately preceeds the main sequence
39.  What the defining characteristics of a main sequence star?
40.   What balances gravity in a white dwarf star?
41    What is the value for the Chandrasekhar limit?
42.    If a star with a mass of 8 solar masses looses 6 solar masses during a supernova
        explosion, what will be the final stage of evolution for this star?
43.    Who first made a determination of the distribution of stars around the Sun
        and when?
44.   Who discovered the Period-Luminosity Law and who calibrated it?
45.  From the textbook readings:  What is a RR Lyrae star
46.    Who determined the fact that the Sun is not located at the center of our Galaxy and when?
47.    Where are the open clusters located in a galaxy?
48.    What is the diameter of the Milkyway Galaxy?
49.     Describe the work done by Shapley on the structure of our galaxy?
50.    How many stars are there typically in a globular cluster.
51.    What is the minimum number of stars in a galaxy?
52.   Are there open clusters that have as many stars as a globular cluster?

54.    From the  textbook reading: Which stars in a galaxy are believed to have formed first, the halo stars or the disk stars?
55.    Who first determined the distance of the Andromeda Nebula proving that it was a galaxy
        and when and how?
56.    Compare the properties of Population I stars with Population II stars.
57.    Where are the different Populations of stars located in a galaxy?
58.   From the  textbook readings:  What is the wavelength of radiation emitted by HI atoms in the cold interstellar
         medium and is detected by radio telescopes.
59.    What is the name of the supercluster to which our Local Group belongs?
60.    What is the distance of the most distant galaxy that has been observed?
61.    What type of galaxies appear to have very little gas and dust clouds?
62.   In what year did we become aware that the universe consisted of more than just our
        galaxy or island universe?
63. What is meant by a "blue/red shift"?  See Ex. 20 and class notes of 4-11-07.
64   In the spectrum of a certain star the measured wavelength of a certain absorption line is
        6560 Angs., whereas the rest wavelength for this line is 6562 Angs. Is this star approaching
        or receding from us?   Calculate what the radial velocity of this star is from Doppler's
        Equation.   See Ex.. 20.

End of File for Test 4

The following are from the previous test:

Stellar distances and the Trignometric parallax method; limitation of.
The magnitude system:  apparent and absolute.  How the scale works.
Intrinsic versus apparent brightness and factors determining intriinsic brightness
Laws of radiation: Stefan-Boltzmann, Wien, and Planck Laws.
Luminosity and determining factors
Spectroscopy and formation of stellar spectra
Photosphere and chromosphere of star
Stellar spectral classification
Luminosity classes
Color magnitudes and color index
The H-R Diagram

10.  Do the eclipse seasons come earlier or later each year and by how much?
11.  What is the phase of the Moon during a solar eclipse?
12.  In what direction do the lunar orbital nodes regress?
13.  What is the difference between the sidereal and synodic months?

15.  What is trigonometric parallax?
16.    What is the heliocentric distance of a star that has a measured parallax of 0.003 arcseconds?

21.  What is the magnitude  of the faintest stars that the unaided can see?
22.  What is the brightess ratio of 2 stars that differ in brightness by 1 magnitude?
    .  What is the difference between apparent brightness and intrinsic brightness?
   .   What is the magnitude of a star that is 100 times brighter than magnitude 12.5?

23.   What are the physical properties of a star that determines its intrinsic brightness?
24.  Star A has apparent magnitude m = 7.05 while star B has m =9.05.  Which star is brighter
        and by how many times?

25.  Explain the difference between the Wien Law and Planck's Law of thermal radiation.
26.  What is the main type of radiation emitted by an object with T=600K.  Wien's Law.
       What is the total area under a Black-Body curve related to in terms of the laws of radiation?
27.  What radiates a bright line spectrum?
28.  Which stars are hotter, red dwarfs or  red supergiants?
29.  Which stars are smaller, white dwarfs or  yellow dwarfs?

       What is the relationship between the Kumar Limit and brown dwarfs?

15.  Which star emits more visible radiation, an F5 star  or  an B5 star?
16.  Which  star is hotter,  a B2 star or an O9 star?

23.  Why and how is it possible to determine the chemical composition
       of a star?
       The apparent color of a star depends on what physical property of the star?
26.  Which are more luminous, white dwarfs  or red giants?
27.  What is the difference between an O9 main sequence star and an
       O9 blue giant?
28.   What do the statistical groupings of stars in the H-R Diagram represent?
29.   What type of star would have a temperature of 4000K and an absolute magnitude of -1.0?