SAL User Agreement

Information Technology Statement of Responsibility

Description | College-owned Computers | Non College-owned Computers | Implied Agreement


SAL (Software from Any Location) is a system which gives access to applications stored on a Novell file server. As applications are selected, any necessary files will be downloaded to the workstation. This process has the potential to modify or replace certain workstation system configuration information or files as needed for the application.

SAL is an optional service. Users may choose to join in the use of the system. A decision to avoid using SAL will not result in a decreased quality of computing services.

Information Technology Position Regarding College-owned Computers

College owned computers constitute any computer in a faculty or staff office, or in a lab that was purchased by a College department with College monies.

All College-owned machines will be configured with the Novell Client. Under this configuration, necessary files may be downloaded to the machine automatically whenever a user logs in. College-owned machines are supported by Information Technology as far as maintenance and repair, including restoration of system function in the event of corruption caused by the SAL system.

For College-owned machines, the sole remedy for corruption of system configuration information or files is the restoration of the system to a standard workstation image. In the event that a standard image must be restored to the machine, it is understood that customized configurations will be lost.

Information Technology assumes no responsibility for user data. Users are responsible for making and maintaining their own backups of all user data.

Information Technology Position Regarding Non-College-owned Computers

Non-College-owned computers constitute any computer personally owned by a student or faculty or staff member.

Information Technology accepts no responsibility for any problems caused to non-College-owned computers. Owners of these machines may opt not to install the Novell Client, effectively isolating the machine from any automated file download; however, access to the Novell network will not be possible in this situation. Users can install the Novell Client for access to the Novell network, but may opt not to utilize the SAL system.

Users who wish to utilize SAL on these machines do so at their own risk. It is understood that the installation of the Novell Client can result in automatic download of necessary files whenever a user logs in.

Any software downloaded entirely (e.g. Anti-virus software) to the workstation is the property of the College, and should be removed upon the completion or termination of the student’s academic or College employee’s professional career.

Implied Agreement

By accepting the Computing Access Agreement and obtaining a College network system account, your understanding of and agreement to the SAL User Agreement is implied. Subscription to the RESnet system also implies understanding of and agreement to the SAL User Agreement. The installation of Novell’s Client 32 by the user or by an Information Techology employee at the user’s request onto a non-College-owned computer implies your understanding of and agreement to the SAL User Agreement.