SET Design Project Evaluation Form
( may be used by your instructor )

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Brief and specifications (possible points: 5)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) No design brief, or brief with no specifications. 0
(b) Design brief, but inadequate specifications; minimal problem statement. 2
(c) Developed design brief, with clear and comprehensive specifications and clearly
stated problem.
Research (possible points: 15)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) No evidence of investigation or research. 0
(b) Some evidence of research about the problem, but lacking depth. 10
(c) Evidence of good research and that the student has acquired new knowledge about the nature of the problem, what others have done to solve similar problems, and gathered other information critical to the success of the project. 15
Solutions (possible points: 10)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Only one solution considered. 0
(b) Two or three solutions generated, but only one seriously considered. 5
(c) At least three solutions generated, but reasons for rejecting alternatives unclear. 8
(d) At least three solutions generated, and two seriously considered with reasons
stated for rejecting alternatives.
Developmental work (possible points: 15)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Little evidence of developmental work. 0
(b) Some developmental work of average quality. 7
(c) Good quality developmental work, including sketches, dimensioned drawings
and models, where appropriate.
(d) High quality sketches, drawings, renderings and models with attention to
aesthetics, materials and assembly.
Testing (possible points: 10)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Product not tested. 0
(b) Product tested, but no presentation of results. 3
(c) Product tested with weak presentation of results. 6
(d) Product tested with good presentation of results. 10
Evaluation (possible points: 5)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) No evaluation written. 0
(b) Poor evaluation with little thought, intelligent comment or self-criticism, or containing unjustified self-congratulation. 2
(c) Good evaluation containing self-criticism where appropriate. Suggestions about possible alternatives which, if followed, could lead to improvements of the project. 4
(d) Good evaluation containing self-criticism where appropriate. Detailed reasons given
for the success of the project or details given of the modifications or alterations
that would ensure a successful conclusion.
Prototype/Solution (possible points: 25)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) No work or very poor work showing no evidence of care in crafting the prototype. 0
(b) Generally poor work with little evidence of careful work. 10
(c) Average amount of work but with little evidence of care in crafting the prototype. 15
(d) Average amount of work with several examples of attention to detail. 20
(e) Good quality of work including realistic choice and use of materials where appropriate. 22
(f) Evidence of thorough work appropriate to time allotted. Prototype completed
with attention to detail.
Presentation (possible points: 5)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Poor presentation with no evidence of preparation. 0
(b) Fair presentation with some preparation evident. 3
(c) Good presentation with demonstration and well-developed static display. 4
(d) Articulate and well planned presentation with clear, persuasive static or dynamic display. 5
Group Self-Evaluation (possible points: 10)------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-10

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