Syllabus - IDS   252 - Society, Ethics, and Technology  ( SET )
                                    Liberal Learning Program, The College of New Jersey
                                                      Dr. Ralph Edelbach,  School of Engineering   X 2783
                  Armstrong Hall 101 --  Office Hours:  Tue and Fri, 11:30 to 12:30,   Wed, 12 to 1,  and by appointment
                  ( Date:   07/25/2011 15:22   )  

1.  Environmental Impact Statement -  The College recently announced that during the year ending 30 June 2008, more than 11 million sheets of paper were consumed on campus. This amount of paper would make a pile approximately 2,750 feet or almost 1/2 mile high and weigh about 56 tons. Production of this paper would create more than 1 million gallons of waste water and put 159 tons of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere.
In order to minimize the negative impact of materials consumed for this class, I have cut back on the amount of paper used in this class. I urge you to carefully read all on-line information provided in this class and only print out the most essential material.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to conserve even more of our scarce natural resources. Thank you.

2.  Purpose - This course is designed to provide students with a framework for understanding ways in which human societies transform themselves through technological innovation and for assessing the social and ethical issues associated with technological change. As new technologies extend human powers and enlarge social options, they also often give rise to unwanted social and environmental consequences and lead to troubling ethical dilemmas. These general themes will be developed by means of lectures, associated course readings, classroom activities/discussions, and exercises in seminar sections during which students will explore past and present developments in various fields of technology and discuss the ethical and social issues they raise

3.  Course Description - By considering seven major themes during this course, students will gain an understanding of the major impact technological change has had on human life throughout history. They will also have opportunities conduct an in-depth investigation into an area of personal interest relating to one of these topics. Because of the ethical implications of many decisions involving technology, ethical concepts will be reviewed and those principles utilized in resolving ethical dilemmas and completing an ethical case analysis. Complete course details may be reviewed here

4.  Prerequisites - None

5.  Learning Goals - This course is primarily focused on the Worldviews and Ways of Knowing goals and outcomes of the Liberal Learning Program. Class activities and assignments are selected in order to help students “think critically about what it means to be human, and to explore and interpret the human place in the universe.” Students should be able to reflect on how “human beings are able to gain knowledge beyond the limits of their own personal experiences as they develop an understanding of the nature and role of technology and its impact on the environment and society.”  Because many decisions involving technological issues have a major impact on human lives, students should be able to “formulate a point of view on the intersection of science, religion, politics, and other forms of culture,” as well as to develop the ability to make informed judgments concerning ethical values.  In order to achieve these goals, this course is structured as described below.

6.  Class Meeting Time - SET,  like most other classes at TCNJ, is an "enhanced" course which means that it is officially scheduled for two 110-minute time blocks each week although it actually meets two 80-minute periods a week. The remainder of the 110-minute time block each class period (30 minutes) is "open" on each student's schedule with no other classes scheduled during that time.
The work assigned for this course is predicated on the fact that students will use the unscheduled 30 minutes each period to engage in either independent or team-related learning activities in addition to their normal out-of-class work. The class periods when DID team meetings are scheduled should also be used in the same way. The "unscheduled class time
IS NOT to be thought of as "free time" but rather should be used in some productive way by each student. It is the responsibility of each student to plan ahead and come well prepared to all classes and team meetings. Not doing so will have a negative impact on your final course grade.

7.  Course Content -

    Major Course Themes - Issues related to each of the major topics below will be covered.
   Historical Perspectives of Technology
        2.   Social Perspectives of Technology
   Ethical Perspectives of Technology
   Computers and Artificial Intelligence
   Globalization and Economic Development
   Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
   Population, Energy, and Climate Change

    Class Schedule  and  Reading Assignments Supplemental readings may be assigned

8.  Student Assessment - Grades will be based on a student's achievement on assignments, TESTS/QUIZZES as well as class participation.
    Complete details relevant to each assignment will be provided by the instructor and reviewed in class.
  Assignments not submitted by the due date will have their grades reduced proportional to when they are
                submitted, unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.
  The instructor will provide feedback to students as they work on an assignment. Comments suggesting |
                improvements will be made on all submitted work.
                Students will have an opportunity to incorporate these suggestions into their final submissions.
  Student grades may be reviewed with the instructor at any time during the semester upon request.
    Final Grade Calculation  -  A = 94% to 100%,    A- = 90 to 93            B+ =87 to 89,   B = 83 to 86,   B- = 80 to 82
         C+ = 77 to 79,   C = 73 to 76,   C- = 70 to 72      D+ = 65 to 69,   D = 60 to 64                 F = 0 to 59

9.  Learning Activities –  Complete details of on each assignment are provided on-line .

1.   Design/Invention/Discovery AssignmentThis will be a team assignment on a topic
related to one of the course themes. Drafts of sections of the paper and report will
be submitted and returned on the established schedule. Links to the Major Course Themes above
MUST  be consulted when doing this assignment. A team presentation of the project will
be presented to the class....................................
( 20 %)

2.   Ethical Case AnalysisThis is an APA-style paper done by each student which involves developing
and weighing viable options to an  ethical dilemma related to technology.
  A draft of the
paper will be submitted and returned with comments prior to final submission.
..........................................( 20 % )

3.   Participation / Reading quizzes............................. ( 20 % )

4.   Midterm Exam.................................................... ( 20 % )

5.   Final Exam............................................................( 20 % )

10.  Required Text -

Winston, M, and Edelbach, R, (2012). Society, Ethics, and Technology, Updated Fourth Edition. San Francisco: Wadsworth Cengage Learning
       Royalties from sale of new copies of book through TCNJ bookstore are donated by the authors to the TCNJ Foundation.

11.  Bibliography - There are seven pages of the SET bibliography.  There is no need to print out the entire document.  Think about saving some trees!

    12. Attendance policy   Attendance will be included in the "Participation" grading category.

    13. Academic integrity policy - 

    14. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) policy -

   15. Comportment -  It is expected that everyone participating in this class will treat others with civility and respect. The views and opinions of each person are welcomed and encouraged.

   16. Audio or video recording of any SET class or related activity by any means is strictly forbidden without written prior permission from Dr. Edelbach.