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Secure Passwords

  • Passwords should not be based on well-known or easily accessible personal information.
  • Passwords should contain at least 8 characters.
  • Passwords should be mixed case (contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters).
  • Passwords should be mixed characters (contain a combination of alphanumeric, numerical, and special characters).
  • Passwords should not be words that can be found in a standard dictionary (English or foreign) or are publicly known slang or jargon.
  • More Password Guidelines

Sharing Passwords

Never share your password!

Saving Passwords

Never save your password on your local machine. Anyone who sits down at your computer will be able to access your personal information.

Changing Passwords

Change passwords on a regular basis depending on the information you are trying to protect. Sensitive information = 3-6 months. Less sensitive but important information = 6-12 months.

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