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Last Updated:
Volume 16, Spring 2004

Editor's Note

Spring 2004

Though smoother than the last upload, this current issue of unbound was not without its share of difficulties. We started the semester with an MIA Lifestyles editor, no senior editor, and were once again strapped for articles. However, through hard work, dedication and willingness of the unbound staff to take on new responsibilities, we were able to publish another great edition of TCNJ's student produced online magazine (notice the word magazine and not web blogs).

In addition to producing another well-written set of articles, unbound has been hard at work on an upcoming career program, tentatively scheduled for the second week in April. Designed to help those interesting in writing/publication/PR etc, learn more about the field, the program will feature various members of the professional community who will be willing to share their insight on how to make it in today's media community. Keep an eye out for further information on this towards the end of March.

Finally, in case this ends up being unbound's last upload of the semester, I just want to say that it has been a pleasure working with the publication. From an Assistant Lifestyles editor my sophomore year, to Editor-in-Chief this year, I have enjoyed my time with unbound. Hopefully the publication will continue to grow and evolve after I leave at the end of this semester. Though few, I am confident that those underclassmen who are a part of unbound will do their best to maintain it during future semesters.

-Patrick Dresh
